About Me

I'm a sports fan of every sport who decided to open a blog for the same type of sports FAN who love sports want the latest in sports news and who want to hear what other people think about your thoughts my thougts everybody thought. so enjoy and blogg away

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Okay today is the first day of my blog and really don't no where to start but i will start with the lebron thing since he from Akron I'm from cincy Allot of people may hate me for this post but oh well that's life. I really do think people are lookin at him all wrong for what he did to Cleavland which in all honesty he had the right to do.

   So lets take a look at some things how many of you have played sports in high school little league or some sports where you wanted to play with a friend that's what lebron did he wanted to play with bosh and wade but he knew wade was not going to leave Miami so he tried to get bosh but bosh didn't want to go so lebron had no choice in hate matter stay and Cleavland and be a slave to Gilbert or leave play ball in a sunny climate with friends i gurantee if all you were faced with the dilemma you might have done the same thing its what happens in sports look at eli manning refused to play for San Diego or Kevin garnett leaving Minnesota for Boston . it happens in the NBA NFL mlb a rod left Texas to play with his friend at the time Derek jeter them are just prime examples of players leaving there respected team. These guys get paid big money to bring championship to the city not to sit and keep losing and your team never gets better and if you think bout it Cleavland brought all the players in to help lebron but who did they bring in to guard the young talent of the league nobody a older Jamison who on his way out shaq who can still play but he not the force he once was so with that I'm going to end with saying I don't approve of the way he handle it i do respect his choice to go to Miami to win cause that's what we all play the game for is to win and win allot.

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