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I'm a sports fan of every sport who decided to open a blog for the same type of sports FAN who love sports want the latest in sports news and who want to hear what other people think about your thoughts my thougts everybody thought. so enjoy and blogg away

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Brett Farve worst game ending quaterrback in NFL

I have never seem more games lost by a quarterback in the final minutes of a game then i have with farve. farve really doesn't want to understand that he is not who he once was he feel he has something to prove to the people and fans when in all honesty he has nothing to prove because he holds a major records in the NFL for passing and also some very bad ones but no matter how you look at farve it the most recognized quarterback in the league who not only likes to create drama for himself but for his team and now the rice is not there he seeing things different wishing he never came back until moss arrives in town but is that what farve needs to get them over the hump in my opinion no cause farve is playing in pain and for records i really don't know that he feeling that they have a chance this year without rice because everybody has seen Moss play and he does play when he wants which kills his team so now we need to figure out who is going to be the bigger cancer farve and the pain and the retirement and the allegations or moss if he does not get the ball thrown his way and then you have the coach that won't do anything to stop it so watch and see vikings beat Dallas to start a run but in the end farve rides of to the sunset for retirement with only one ring and a number of achievements to let the up and coming quarterbacks of the league strive for better and more 

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